End-End Implementation of text_summarization

Sakil Ansari
3 min readJul 6, 2020


Table of Content

  • Demo
  • Overview
  • Motivation
  • Installation
  • Deployment on Heroku
  • Directory Tree
  • Future scope of the project


You can click on the following link to use the app.



I have kept the screenshot of the app. You need to give the text which you want to summarize in the box and then after you will get the summarized text.

from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename='apphomepage.png',width=800, height=400)
Image(filename='homePage_text_entered.png',width=800, height=400)
Image(filename='result_page.png',width=800, height=400)


“Automatic text summarization is the task of producing a concise and fluent summary while preserving key information content and overall meaning”

-Text Summarization Techniques: A Brief Survey, 2017

Text Summarization is the application of NLP. Sometimes, we want a summary of any paragraphs. I have developed a simple text summarization web application. The application summarizes the text which is given by the user. This application is built by flask and python.I have built a simple UI. You can create your own UI and integrate the code.


I just want to share my work to the data science community. Also, I want to help college students and any professional who wants to learn data science.


The Code is written in Python 3.7.3. If you don’t have Python installed you can find it linkhere. If you are using a lower version of Python you can upgrade using the pip package, ensuring you have the latest version of pip. To install the required packages and libraries, run this command in the project directory after cloning the repository:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Deployment on Heroku

Login or signup in order to create a virtual app. You can either connect your GitHub profile or download ctl to manually deploy this project.

Image(filename='heruku.png',width=800, height=400)

Directory Tree

Image(filename='directorytree.png',width=800, height=400)

Future Scope of Work

I have created a very simple end-end implementation of text summarization. You can use deep learning to make the application more robust.

GitHub Link

You can find code in the following repository;



To run the code:

python app.py



Sakil Ansari
Sakil Ansari

Written by Sakil Ansari

Working as a Data Scientist/ML/NLP/Speech Recognition/Deep learning

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